George Town Baptist Church

Elder - Marg Sharman 6382 1272

Founded in 1958, George Town Baptist Church is part of the Baptist Union of Tasmania. Tasmanian Baptists are linked with the Baptist Union of Australia and the Baptist World Alliance.

Our main objectives are to provide a place for Christians of like precious faith to congregate, fellowship, and through worship, preaching, teaching experience the spiritual growth known as Discipleship. Using the resources both spiritual and natural we endeavour to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are in need, and to help as we are able to relieve suffering and provide comfort to those who are doing it tough. Through the years, we have endeavoured to maintain a positive relationships with other churches in George Town, which has resulted in our sharing in projects together and even in joint worship services. You will find a warm welcome and friendly people as well as the presence of the Lord when you come to George Town Baptist Church.

We meet on Sundays at 10:30 AM at 48 Goulburn St, George Town, TAS 7253

Monday Craft Group 10.00 AM

We extend an invitation to all to visit and worship with us soon. For more information please call Pauline Heppel 0409 136 290

Come see what the George Town area has to offer